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8318 Arlington Blvd. Suite 300 in Fairfax, VA
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Instructions for setting up the Patient Portal and Filling Out Patient Forms(建立电子病历登陆账号和填写表格指南)

  1. Look for email from “Love Family Practice <noreply@charmtracker.com>”. 进入邮箱查看邮件,找从Love Family Practice来的邮件。


  1. Open email and click the personalized link.  Enter your Date of Birth to continue. 打开邮件,按照提示一步步操作。


  1. After creating your password, make sure to click the box to accept the ChARM PHR (Patient Portal) Terms of Service.Note: Your password must contain at least one special character.


  1. You will receive a separate email with a "One Time Pin (OTP)" to enter to finalize your account setup.Note: If you do not receive your OTP within 1 minute, you can click the "Resend OTP" link to have a new one sent to your email.

  1. Verify your account timezone (this should be set to Eastern by default).

  1. From the Dashboard, click on "Questionnaire".

  1. Here you will see a list of forms to be completed and digitally signed prior to your appointment.


  1. Complete each form and make sure to digitally sign near the bottom.


  1. Fill out the forms from Patient portal and submit it. Please do not forget to sign each form at the bottom using your mouse or touch pad. If questions do not apply for you, please mark them as