Consent for Flu Vaccine (流感疫苗知情同意书)
Please complete the form below and we will contact you to schedule an exact date and time for your drive-through flu shot. (请完成填写下面的表格,我们会联系您,根据您所提供的信息确定流感疫苗注射日期和时间。)

Personal and Contact Information (个人信息)

Payment Information (付款信息)

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Cash pay patient, please upload ID again. (自费病人请再次上传证件照片)


If yes, you should not receive vaccines today. (如果您正在发烧,今天请不要打流感疫苗。)
If yes, you should not receive a Flucelvax vaccine. (如果是,请不要打Flucelvax 这种流感疫苗。)

Consent and Release Statement(知情同意书)

Please read the latest information about the 2020-2021 seasonal flu shot from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) by clicking the link below.

CCD Seasonal Flu Shot Information

I have read and understand the benefits and risks of the vaccines and request that these be given to me or to the minor named above for whom I am authorized to make this request. The vaccine will be administered by a registered or licensed practical nurse or nurse practitioner. I understand that if I have a reaction, I am to consult my physician. (我已阅读并理解了疫苗的益处和风险,并要求将其提供给我或我授权的上述未成年人。疫苗将由护士/护师等专业从业人员进行注射。我了解如果我有不良反应,我将咨询我的医生。)
